Category: Quote

And so a New Chapter to a New Year begins. More to come. Cheers!


What are you reading? A mini book review


Hey everyone!

How are you all!?

What book has been on your coffee table or beach blanket for that matter, this summer?

I’ve been reading ‘lullabies for little criminals’ by Heather O’Neill

While not for the faint of heart this novel is frustratingly real.

“A gritty, heart-wrenching novel about bruised innocence on the city’s feral streets- the remarkable debut of a stunning literary talent” is right!

It’s just what the doctor prescribed for me this summer.

It’s inspired some grittier writing of my own.


I have been spending a lot of time doing things worthy of writing about lately, or at least I hope they are worth reading!
One thing I’ve learned about writing and most especially writing poetry, is that you need to take time and some times extended time to immerse yourself in life, love and laughter to continue to be inspired to write!
I am happy to share that I have been feeling the desire to write resurfacing, so here’s hoping for some soon to be new inspired words.
What have you been immersed in lately?