44 days, 18,900 views 2,450 followers!? I NEED A GUEST BLOGGER ASAP! Read more…

My Pay Day Thursday collaborator bailed on me (so frustrating!)  I want to still Pay it Forward so I am giving you the opportunity to guest blog.

Email your ready to go photos etc. guest blog and I will give it a read.  I will choose one out of the bunch that I liked and post links to the other submitters that I didn’t select.

Please keep it clean. PG rated please.

Send your guest blog to writingsofamrs@outlook.com with Guest Blog in the subject bar.I will accept emails until Wed. night 8pm eastern time.

I will post the blog on Thursday 2:00pm eastern time.  Check back to see if your post was selected.

I have a lot of people waiting to collaborate but I wanted to make this open to whomever.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask them below.

Thank you,


  1. Renard Moreau

    [ Smiles ] Well, if your blog wasn’t entitled, “Writings Of A Mrs” I would have volunteered my services. I am a guy!

    Lovely sentiment and beautiful article!

  2. tenaciousbitch

    Thanks so much for “liking” my post today! And your guest blogging offer sounds interesting. Does the subject matter have to be anything in particular to guest blog for you? And…this is a weekly thing, I take it?

    • Jennifer Writings of a Mrs

      Hi there. Subject matter can be anything. PG rated. It is only for this week so I will choose a submission that interests me.
      No, actually it isn’t a weekly thing. It is just for this upcomming Thursday. I have what I call Pay Day Thursday where I collaborate with another blogger to create something new. I do an interview and then publish our work that we’ve created together. It is prepared quite a ways ahead of time.
      I am booked up until Oct. for these collaborations but the person scheduled for this week hasn’t commited to their end of things so I am doing this to fill in the spot instead of just doing my regular post.
      I hope this helps,

  3. primalnights

    Good luck. I write and love it, but if had a deadline or pressure I’m not sure if I would like it. I wonder how many other people are that same way. Plus I post using my iPad. I’d have to start using a keyboard again. Hope you find someone great.

    • Jennifer Writings of a Mrs

      Oh well that’s too bad. I wish you all the best and if you change your mind between now and Wed. night send it my way!
      Everyone’s submission will be great I’m sure! But I can only choose 1!

  4. The Running Son

    What the heck is a blog swap?
    btw jenn, you and OM at harsh-reality, to name 2, have a voice and message that resonates, and that deserves a good large response. Very happy 4 you, hope u can keep up.


  5. christilong

    I’m hoping to send something in 🙂
    I just have a question. If I were to write something… in the post I write do I acknowledge it’s a guest post? Or do I just start off with the subject at hand?

  6. Ray

    Maybe I can write another “food” related song to go with “Gravy Baby” LOL! (A song about meatloaf, or potatoes possibly… ) Both go well with Gravy! 🙂

  7. raecheldawn

    I have been blogging a while, but I still don’t know much about all the technicalities. For guest blogging would we post it on ours as well? Or if you choose ours I could just post a link to check it out?

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